Top Recommended Tools & Resources For Your Success
Hey there!
Welcome to Uncle Dav’s Top Recommended Tools page. This page has a great list of the tools and resources that we personally recommend for creating, building, and optimizing for success when it comes to building your very own laptop lifestyle biz.
Ever wondered what products and services are extremely good and very reliable, but you just weren’t too sure?
This is a question many people have, especially when they are just getting started in this whole online marketing industry. Often times, it’s only through a lot of “trial and error” of trying out a bunch of different services, to eventually realize what is “very good” for your business, and what you would like to kick yourself in the butt for even considering.
Well after nearly 15 years in this industry, either working for myself or other entrepreneurs, I’ve come to discover what services are great. These are the very ones that we always recommend to the clients that we currently serve.
I’ve tested and used EVERY single resource that you’ll find on this page. Several of these are tremendously VITAL to the success of our business and will have a BIG impact on yours as well.
That’s why I love what we use and think you will find this page very helpful for creating, growing, and monetizing your own biz!
**NOTE** – The content on this page does contain affiliate links. This means we do get some percentage of the product purchased but at no additional cost to you. We do this to help finance the free content that I publish on this site, so we appreciate your support. Please know that I ONLY recommend products that we have USED and can stand behind 100% for their quality & effectiveness.
#1 Recommended Hosting Platform
If you’re looking to set up a WordPress blog or any other type of affiliate marketing style of site we highly recommend A2 Hosting.
The first few times we tested out A2 Hosting while creating sites for clients we were completely blown away at the speed in which sites loaded using it. With blistering “page load” speeds of up to 20x faster than regular hosting (such as Hostgator, BlueHost etc – we used to be customers too. Not any more… haha) it’s sure to impress the hell out of you too!
If you’ve tried other hosting in the past and it’s your first experience trying out A2, you just might find yourself saying… “Wow, where have you been all my life!”
Test them out for yourself, and no question… you’ll be impressed. Personally, the package we recommend most when working with new clients is the Shared Hosting – Turbo Package.
Simply click here or below to get started!
Our #1 Favorite Email Service Provider
Through the years we’ve tried out pretty much every main stream Email Marketing Service out there.
We’ve tried Aweber, Active Campaign, Mailchimp, Sendlane, and several others. However, we always end up coming back to the service that has always proven themselves to us over and over again.
The delivery rate is exceptionally phenomenal, and their interface is much easier to learn and embrace as compared to most others out there too. On top of that, GetResponse has far better pricing. You’ll only pay about half of what Active Campaign and Convertkit charge per month for your first 1000 subscribers. The plans they have for 5k, 10k or more subscribers are much better too. All-in-all, it’s an awesome email marketing platform at a great price!
Though I do also use SendFox (great too) as well sometimes, when it comes right down to it, with GetResponse I’m a loyal fan, and it’s what we always recommend to new clients when getting started.
Get Response comes with a FREE 30 Day trial, so you can take it for a test drive yourself!
Learn more by clicking below:
The #1 Best Pinterest Automation Software & Service
Have you ever dreamed of having your own personal VA to handle the HUGE work load that can come from your Social Media marketing campaigns?
Well, we did too, and when it comes to Pinterest and scheduling pins to keep you consistent day after day, then TailWind is the absolute answer you have been searching for. It is the “cream of the crop” when it comes to Pinterest automation.
Warning! – Most Pinterest automation software or services can, and likely will get your Pinterest account banned for life. Tsk… tsk!
However, that is not the case with TailWind. TailWind is one of the only Pinterest approved automation softwares and service available on the entire internet. This is great for each of us as we won’t ever have need to worry about getting banned by Pinterest ever.
Indeed, it’s a sweet thing to be excited and re-joicing about.
We’re sure you’re especially going to enjoy their brand new “Smart Loop” feature. It totally rocks! Get excited – you’re about to take your whole Pinterest marketing strategy to a level you’ve only dreamed of before
Get going with your FREE Trial of TailWind starting right now!