“What You Don’t Know Can And Will Seriously Hurt Your Biz!

Follow These Guidelines So You’ll Be Able To Move Ahead With Confidence:

Well, first and foremost… this one might seem obvious.

Make sure that the opportunity has the ability to pay you “High Ticket” commissions. In other words the profits you’ll make from the products you’ll be selling will be substantial, and also from a company with a long history of integrity behind them.

With some programs, the first few sales you make may not seem to be as great as you may like depending on the product sold. However, be sure that they have the “high ticket” items for you to sell in the pipeline. As with most smart marketing models, many programs utilize sales funnels which take prospects from the lower end products, moving them through to the higher ticket items.

In short, investigate the products you’ll be selling wisely… so you’ll know full well that those “high ticket” commissions are there waiting for you!

Next, the system you choose should utilize physical products which solve a genuine problem that’s common to many people, which of course makes it a very “in demand” product.

This is the reason programs like Digital Altitude and MOBE got into trouble in recent years, and found themselves being investigated and shut down by the FTC. Those companies only offered digital products, which in essence, were very over-priced training products.

Often times, the FTC does not consider these as “tangible” products (something you can touch, use in your home, consume etc..) and if the company you’re thinking about joining doesn’t offer physical products… then this should be considered a “red flag” for you.

Sure, it’s just fine promoting Digital products as an affiliate. They can be a good stream of income for you. And of course, we should be focused on multiple streams of income in our businesses. However, you should never make those as the Primary business that you’re building for your long term future.

You need a system that will build a business for the “long term”, and it’s been proven many times over that in order to do this the use of physical products that will be in “high demand” for decades to come is necessary.

Thankfully, the amazing system we use does just that. Our system accesses and utilizes an extremely high quality physical product line that solves a HUGE “in demand” problem for people all over the world. They also have the highest rating available through the BBB, and a 40 year track record of success.

When making your own choice, be sure to look for these types of important factors.

Thirdly, the system and program you choose should be based on the “affiliate” or “Re-seller Distribution” marketing model, so that it’s never necessary for you to create our own products.

Which of course, as most of us know can be very costly and time consuming. This is especially true of “physical products”. Let’s be realistic here, not many of us are in the position to set up a factory and start mass producing some type of “physical product” line!

Being an affiliate, basically means that you’ll be paid a commission for selling another companies products. There are different types of affiliate programs. Sometimes you are paid once for the sell of a product. This is typically called the “one off” model.

There is also what is referred to as the “high ticket/hybrid model”.

It’s definitely our favorite model, and for good reason. With the “hy-brid” model you can also make a percentage of your profits from the efforts of others that you may have brought into the business yourself. It brings a “network marketing” component into this mix too.

However, it should be noted… the company that we are a part of is recognized as a “Direct Sales” platform. It’s not your typical “network marketing” type of program.

It solves many of the problems that come with most (practically all) other network marketing opportunities.

Here’s a few reasons why:

– There is No Signup Fee – Yes, of course you have to purchase one of their products to become a Re-Seller Distributor, however, there are zero hidden or added separate sign up fees such as you always see in other opportunities.

– There are no monthly qualifications necessary to hit in order to be paid. If you make a sale, you’re paid for it… simple as that. Also, you’re paid weekly too! (There is none of that “You need X amount of Points Volume each month to get paid” bullshit)

-There’s no stocking of Inventory

– There’s no monthly Autoships/Subscriptions (Don’t you just hate that?) – In other words… You’re not going to end up with a spare room or garage so full of these products that most network marketing companies force you to purchase each month. Hell.. most regular human beings couldn’t possibly use them in his/her lifetime in some cases!

– No Yearly renewal

– No De-ranking (This is great! Once you’ve reached a certain rank and pay level you can NEVER be de-ranked if you don’t keep sustaining or reaching monthly point volumes etc..) Try explaining that one to most network marketing companies out there… LOL…

In fact, it’s compensation plan is “patented” and really quite unique. It’s got several fantastic perks you just don’t find in other systems. There are more than what we’ve mentioned above. Get in touch with us for more information. 🙂

While your focus should always be on your own front end sales, it’s just “smart marketing” if you can get more leverage and profits through the efforts of others too.

Personally, we kind of think of this as more like a “Multi Tiered” affiliate system, as opposed to the conventional network marketing model… the reason it’s called a “high ticket/hybrid”.

As we’ve always viewed it, “Why the hell not?” If it’s going to improve the bottom line of our own business in the long run, it’s simply beneficial for all 🙂

Fourth, the system should be easy enough for people with no prior knowledge of online marketing to follow and implement. There shouldn’t be any type of crazy “tech skills” required. Even the “greenest newbie” should be able to execute it and find some success with it.

Lastly, the system should have excellent support from a community of people all striving for a common goal.

This community must include many people who genuinely “walk the walk” and have already built up incredibly successful businesses.

It’s necessary that they’ve done this simply by following and implementing the same system each member has been given access to.

Thankfully, the system we use has this. We’ve got an incredible support team of people who have already “been there… done that” utilizing the exact same system. It’s a great feeling. Many in the community are more than “happy” to share and help newcomers if they have any questions, or need any type of help as they embark on their own journey to becoming very successful themselves.

Be sure to look for a similar type of “community spirit” when deciding which opportunity and program is right for you too.

Completely Change Your Life With “High Ticket” Systems
– The Fastest Way To 6 Figures!

While it is true that “high ticket” products and systems have been proven to be the quickest way to reaching consistent 6 figure years and building a great “laptop lifestyle” business there are a few things that YOU MUST KNOW before you move ahead with it.

What are those things? Glad you asked… let’s move on. **Click Here To Go To Step 2 Now**